The next UK government is urged to consider banning smartphones for children, following recommendations from a committee of MPs.

A new report by the Education Select Committee says minors are exposed to “serious dangers” online and that excessive screen time is harmful to their physical and mental well-being.

It’s now advised the next government to consider banning under-16s from owning smartphones.

The proposal comes just months after the Department for Education issued guidance to help teachers navigate how youngsters use mobile devices in classrooms.

However, the committee believes more needs to be done.

The report showed children’s screen time has soared during the last two years, with around a quarter of children showing signs of behavioural addiction.

The chair of the committee said there are a cavalcade of “shocking statistics” to sift through.

To combat the issues, it has now also called for a ban on all mobile phones in schools.

While the children’s charity, NSPCC, welcomes the moves to protect children, it says feedback for youngsters is “glaringly absent” from the new report.

The BBC spoke to several teenagers, who offered mixed views on surging screen time.

15-year-old Jasper believes social media apps and smartphones create drama but can also be helpful when connecting with others.

Meanwhile, a parent of a 13-year-old said her daughter’s entire social life is tied to a smartphone.

With the General Election set to take place in July, a final decision will be made on the proposals by the next UK government.

The Labour Party has previously said it’s “open-minded” about banning social media for young teens.