Rate Card

Standard out of bundle usage charges

Calls to other UK Vodafone mobilesInclusive
Calls to other mobilesInclusive
Calls to UK landlines Inclusive
Standard UK text message Inclusive
Standard UK picture message 37.5p per message
Standard video message 52.0p per message
Video calling to any Vodafone UK mobile 33.5p per minute
Video calling to other UK mobile networks 48.0p per minute
Video calling to international mobile networks 48.0p per minute
Non-Geographical (084s & 087s) 19.17p per minute + Service Charges
Freephone (0800s & 0808s) Inclusive
Radio-paging services (starting 076) 42.5p per call
Personal numbering services (starting 070) 55.34p per minute
Call forwarding services (e.g. 07744, 07755) 29.7p per minute
Premium rate numbers (starting 09) 49.17p per minute + Service Charges
Call to Directory numbers (118) 19.17p per minute + Service Charges
Browsing the mobile internet & data usage £5.42 per 250MB UK Data
Data usage for mobile broadband only 5.0p per MB


International calls (calls made from the UK to destinations outside the UK)

Europe 83p per minute
North USA/Canada £1.25 per minute
Rest of the World £1.50 per minute
Calls to any Channel Islands and Isle of Man mobile and landline (starting 01481, 01534 or 01624)35p per minute